Thread: Weather
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Old February 18, 2017   #81
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Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
Not to swing off into climate change but I heard something on the news the other day.
It said we are in an El Nina event.
We just got out of an El Nino event.
I have not researched this persons comment to verify what he said, he wasn't a weather person.

If it is so then it is not the way these oscillations work at all from my research on weather patterns of the past.
There are from what I can remember so called normal years in between.

From the last few years it seems to be feast (rain) or famine (drought).
Some plants can deal with it others cant.
Last spring (feast) put the hammer to my rosemary big time.

We had a very brief normal period between, the time between events can vary quite a bit.

There are many other oscillations in the atmosphere that impact weather as well as just chaos. We are only in the 30s of years of quality satellite observations of this planet. I do think after 100 or 200 years (assuming the human race doesn't self-destruct) we will have the observations to see many of these oscillations and likely discover others on longer time scales we don't even know about now.

Regarding climate change, all I will say is this and if this crosses the line, it can be removed. When one side a scientific question threatens anyone that does not agree with them with imprisonment that should be a huge red flag to anyone. In the history of the world scientists were threatened and tarnished when they didn't agree with the consensus (e.g., the sun was actually the center of the solar system, the Earth was round not flat). At those points in history it wasn't merely a science question that motivated this behavior, but much more so money and power. I don't think today is any different--climate science has become less about climate and more about dark motivations mostly revolving around power and money.

Last edited by jmsieglaff; February 18, 2017 at 11:42 AM.
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