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Old February 26, 2017   #2
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Utah
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Originally Posted by Barb_FL View Post
Dan - In the fall I grew 21x-F2-1 - I think I posted pics at one point. Anyway, this was an excellent red cherry dwarf plant. Probably peaked at 3', great taste, multiflora solid red tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes had great vine and shelf life. I would definitely grow again and have saved seeds.

I'm tempted to start some of my saved seeds even though this is very late for us. Everyone I gave tomatoes to loved it. Tomatoes were slightly larger than average size cherry but not ping-pong ball size.

Do you want any of my saved seeds or should I just keep going with it? I liked it a lot better than last springs 13X-F3-2.

Also, in the MMMM swap I got 11/12x-F3-3. Any idea what it is?
Keep going with it. It sounds very much like its mama (21X-F1-1), which I really liked. The F1 was very multiflora, productive and reached 36" inside for me. Send me some seed when/if you get something closer to stability or if you decide not to keep going with it. 21X was a back-cross of an F1 back to its mama. Does that mean it will stabilize more quickly from the F1?

The grandpa is Dwarf Firebird Sweet, which hasn't been released yet, but has large, tasty,attractive, red w/yellow striped fruit. It would be great to see it spin off an equally tasty striped one. Keep going and keep us posted.

As for 11/12X-F3-3, I thought I put a description on each packet I sent in. I put a lot of seed in each packet, perhaps some were repackaged. That one was sent in the micro category. The 11/12X is because I accidentally mixed some F1 fruit from both crosses in one batch of seeds and decided not to throw them out.

The F2 (11/12-F2-3) was PL with very large leaves on a tiny plant (5" leaves on a 12" plant). The first note I made about it was "kinda weird". It was extremely bushy, very multiflora, very productive, had red cherry fruits and only reached 12" in height. It was as wide as it was tall.

Hopefully, it will be fun to grow....
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