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Old March 1, 2017   #7
mtbigfish's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Chillicothe Ohio - left Calif July 2010
Posts: 451

I agree with your list except over the years Black Brandywine I have grown was great - I just found your book at Menards and bought it - then told a friend on my street about it - he was excited to hear about is as he is getting hooked on everything Heirlooms, organic, drip watering etc and has been working with me in my garden - I have been sharing my knowledge and a plot for him and he has shared his labor - so I bought a copy at Lowes - yeah they both stock it now. I am glad my friends around to help so I can still grow!!!

I have been loving it - I also have Carolyn's book from back when it first came out and Amy Goldman's also - I thought in moving to Ohio in 2010 people would be more informed about gardening and heirlooms , however they have fooled me - also found Ohio grows a lot of HMO's and the politicians here are sold on them. Anyway I has some of your Cherokee Green seeds but hadn't used them yet and ran into a small nursery on the old 104 going south to Portsmouth that has Cherokee Green plant. I have to tell you it tasted better to me than Evergreen, Aunt Rubys and equal to or a little better than Green Giant it's a winner -

I have a question as to where to buy some of your seeds and recommended dwarfs or compact plants as I have about 75 large pots that I always plant early because of poor drainage and standing rain and I am wondering about using them for that instead of large Indeterminants. I plant my big garden later with the normal plants- yes Little Lucky and Lucky Cross will go in with Cherokee Purple and more - I have about 500 varieties of seeds and have tried about twice that - not close to your 1200++++ but what the heck!! I only plant about 75-100 varieties per year- well I'am going through seeds now trying to get ready soon to go to the basement, prep trays etc and check the growing lights - can't wait

I have trouble now because I was given an anti-biotic that put me in the hospital - also damaged my vestibular nerves so my balance was destroyed - at least I can use a walker and garden- gave my raft to my son in Montana to sell and gave him all my guns, backpack, camping gear etc
I wont be able to use it - now I'm selling what he didn't want - he a flyfishing outfitter and has a fyshop so he didn't need that stuff

Later Dennis

Last edited by mtbigfish; March 1, 2017 at 09:52 PM. Reason: I thought this was going to Craig L nctomatoman
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