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Old March 3, 2017   #65
MissMoustache's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: Cold hardy zone 4b-5a, Heat zone 4-5, Sunset zone 43
Posts: 228

I did a lot of things that warm weekend! Sandbox, fire pit, laid landscape fabric and mulch for paths, moved a trellis, set up solar lights, and made two fairy garden pots.

Then we got icy rain, snow, warm rain that melted the snow (which froze the next evening), and more snow. And now this weekend it's supposed to be 60F again. Looks like I'll be back into the garden digging and prepping! I have a frog and wildlife pond to dig, swingset and climbing equipment to cement into the ground and lay mulch around, laundry line to put up (I have new metal poles so I'm going to move it), the rest of my seeds to order (a few flowers and herbs I forgot to order before), more veg and flowers to start inside, new garden beds to build and dig, and then before I know it the potatoes and jerusalem artichokes will be here in the mail and the growing season will really start!
Books, cats, is good!
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