Thread: Weather
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Old March 15, 2017   #193
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Originally Posted by Gardeneer View Post
I live in a small town, not like Dallas FW . There can't be more than one weather station close to me. The next bigger town is 20 miles away. Probably they don't even have a weather station here in town and there are just fitting their data in. Plus, over here it is flat, no hills, no lakes to create a micro climate. Maybe their weather station is in the next small town over, about 10 miles east of us.
Anyway, I don't care for dead accuracy. Just at this juncture I find their forecast not reliable.
Just go to Weather Underground and check. I bet they will have a station near you. I used my zip code and then after setting it up changed to the station nearest my house. The one I use is less than a half mile from my house and is usually accurate within a degree or two. I live on top of a hill that gets a bit colder when the temps drop fast like this and I will usually get between 1 and 3 degrees cooler during a real cold snap than they say; but compared to the other weather forecasters they are nearly dead on.

I used to lose things watching our local weather stations on TV and learned the hard way not to trust them. Now I always check WU. They are forecasting 33 tonight so I could get anywhere from 30 to 36 but that is close enough for my needs. Tomorrow they are forecasting 29 and that is dangerous for my lettuce and cabbage because if it gets 3 below that I will have some serious freezing with the north winds that are blowing here.

I'm still waiting on my tulip poplar to open up.

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