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Old March 28, 2017   #2
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: virginia
Posts: 734

The first time you put fish emulsion on plants they should have at least 1 set of true leaves.The solution should be very weak.I just put some on mine the other day and I mix it in a bucket and put enough fish emulsion to just barely make the water look dirty.The water is still clear and you can see the bottom of the bucket, but looks a little dirty.

And from my experience with it it seems to build up in the soil every time you use it even if you use the same amount every time.You will know if you put to much as the plants will wilt in the sun.The good thing with fish emulsion is you can flush them with fresh water and put in the shade and the next day they are fine.Mix it weak and be on the safe side.

Sorry I can't be more specific, but don't measure anything.
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