Thread: Grub Update
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Old March 5, 2006   #59
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 2,722
Default Still They Come

Hello Smiley Tomato Family,

My tomatoes won't stop producing. Picked a pile of (Earl’s) Polish, more Prue, endless Livingston's Favorites and Red Brandywines, more of this and that, Sungolds, Matts Wild, a big Ashleigh, and Soldacki, third year running, which is crazy. Rinaldo is pumping. All my Jaune Flammee have orange flesh and are zippy. So many greens. Grub’s Mystery Greens.

Good golf-balls reds everywhere. Kimberly all year long. . Russian reds and Mountain Princess and New Big Dwarf (pink) and Juanne Negib (yellow) still. I think some earlies that also produce late taste better. Kimberly tastes very good to me. End of broken record…

Can't explain it, but Green Giant has suddenly gone wild and is setting heaps of fruit and Marianna's Peace is exactly the same. These guys have been biding time and now they've decided to turn it on with bulk fruit set. Looking forward to trying both.

I planted a few down the front garden and decided to try the no-spray-I-dun-giva-technique. And no water. Matts Wild is so sweet but not a lot more, Russian Red is good, but the Black Cherry is great (sorry can’t recall official name). When I leave to walk to work in the morning I skirt by the bush and pick a handful, careful that the juice doesn’t explode down my freshly pressed shirt Mmm. Salty. Yep, salty and really good.

But in respect of the others, if someone would point me to the tap I'd think about turning it off. I just spent another four hours making sauce today. Not a huge amount of sauce, just a great tasting sauce. Next, I'm going to make an all green tomato sauce. A pommodore verde passatta (spelling). W/ chicken and pesto and pasta )

Anyway. I'm retiring from — sorry — just tying them up. I have no more pantyhose ties, no spare tee shirts, it's now produce and die time. That is, but for Green Giant and Marianna's Peace. Oh, I forgot, and Cuostralee in a dud spot if setting fruit. Ditto Yasha Yugoslavian and Grandfather Ashlock. Cripes!

One of my faves this year is Prue. I have two plants. And whenever I get a fruit I come inside in an almost reverential manner, cupping the fruit like a chalice, and I either earmark it or eat it right there and then. It’s one of my favourite fresh slicers. I love a tomatoy tomato, but after 400 million a nice balanced Prue is like a glass of smooth wine. It has depth and nuances and sweetness AND it’s moreish according to my palate. Very accessible. I really like my two yellows too: Golden Monarch and Queen.

I should shutup. I better skiddladdle. I'm ranting.
Have fun, fellow villains
Luv, Grub.
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