Thread: Compost Tumbler
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Old June 22, 2007   #11
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Eugene, Oregon
Posts: 29

I am on my second compostumbler and I have a very different opinion of them. I agree that they do not work as advertised if you add a little now and then and hope for a 2 week miracle. It doesn't work that way. You need to prepare ahead of time for what you have around to fill the tumbler the same day.I do get compost in 2 weeks. Mine hits 150 degrees in 24 hours. I leave about a 5 gal. bucket of the last batch of compost in it. I add a bucket of coffee, woodstove ashes, maybe a quart, 3 or 4 lawn mower bags of fresh grass clippings, a wheel barrow of chicken coop straw and poop, same for duck pen. Together a heaping barrow full, 5 gal. pail of kitchen scraps, 2 shovels of soil, half a garbage bag of leaves,cut up garden trimmings, straw and brown grass clippings. I mow about half of the leaves and straw and dump it in the tumbler. After it is 3/4 full I spin it 5 times and check moisture. I usually pour molasses water on until it seems right. I turn it 5 times morning and afternoon. Almost always it is done after 2 weeks, 3 if I need to adjust the mix after a week. It starts over, but heats quickly.The tumblers aren't for everybody. It takes patience, planning and luck, but it can be done.I also have a 3 bin system and would never give it up. No worms in the tumbler stuff is a bummer.
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