Thread: Weather
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Old April 23, 2017   #324
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Originally Posted by bower View Post
Learning how to fall is definitely one of the best investments a person could make! I was never good at keeping my balance on ice though. I'd rather wait it out.
I'm expecting guests for dinner so I went out and beat as much ice off the trees as I could with a shovel. Not as bad underfoot as you might expect, thank goodness. It is above freezing now, and has started to rain heavily, but so far it's piling on the trees as still more ice instead of melting it off them. It's ridiculous!!!! You can barely see green on the conifers now.
We get some "silver thaw" pretty much every year usually in March, but only once in a long while does it get this bad. I remember one we had back in the '80s, the power was out for five days. So far my power's okay, and fingers crossed because I'm roasting a turkey... power, don't go!!!!
Hoping you have a quick defrost. That ice is hard on everything.
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