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Old April 24, 2017   #34
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: San Diego-Tijuana
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Gutters behaved great.

Thrips really pummeled my garden yet again. Witnessed massive
blooming on my citrus trees and in hopes of promoting pollinators,
I held back from sterilizing the flowers. While on vacation, flowers
dropped on the citrus trees, so the thrips hopped onto my peppers
and tomatoes. At least ½ of the initial plant-out has been
pulled—I expect most others to start showing virus symptoms shortly.

With my sincere apologies to pollinators, Kobra Kai rules are in effect.

Diazinone at 4x the max recommended dose was sprayed copiously
on all green living things on the property (with emphasis on flowers)
and tomorrow I ask my neighbor for access to a few of his hedge
trees. Diatomaceous Earth was also part of this initial batch of poison.
The flushing poison will be deltamethrin, and the death blows will
be delivered via Diazinone and Chlorpyrifos. I’ll be experimenting
with sugar to see if it encourages them to Footloose their way to
death’s door.

Just ordered a variety of Marigolds from Harris, my hope is to use
them as sentinels-death traps.

Many exotic, much anticipated, last-chance seeds, and other
special plants went down in this most recent attack.

Kind of a bummer.

“Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it? No Sensei.”

PS. Tomorrow I'm heading all the way to Ensenada for Cal Nitrate and specific poisons (endosulphan, d-phenothrin). Die Die Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Gerardo; April 24, 2017 at 01:13 AM.
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