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Old May 18, 2017   #8
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: MA/NH Border
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Originally Posted by Rockporter View Post
Yes, sure am. I've had a machine for 8 years now. Snored all my life though didn't know it was a medical issue until I was in my 40's. Now, if only I could get my snoring husband to get help with his.

Good for you! I could easily name about a dozen people who have been diagnosed and prescribed a cpap, but their machine has been shoved in a closet and ignored. My husband uses his faithfully and on the rare nights he dozes off without it, I wake him up so that he can put it on.

I remember the first week or two after he got it he and the difference in how much better both of us felt. It made us realize just how sleep deprived we had been.

The way I proved to him he needed to go get evaluated was by using our camera (this was the pre-smartphone era) to take a short video of him while he slept. I showed it to him the next day, and he immediately called his doctor and requested a referral to a sleep lab. A couple of friends have done the same with their mates.
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