Thread: Shade cloth
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Old May 18, 2017   #15
Join Date: Jan 2015
Location: AL
Posts: 1,993

Bill... Like you I have had terrible time with sweet peppers. Forget who it was now, but it was a TV'er who said to shade the sweets. I have two types of shade cloth. One is big 10' x 20' pieces of material like cheesecloth. The other house I shaded with heavier cloth. That cloth is from where I gathered the material that goes around one of them big trampolines that's supposed to help keep kids safer. Guess they didn't work cuz folks keep throwing them out. So far both types have done well for the sweets. For the first time I have lots of blossoms and looks like I'm actually going to have some fruit. : )

I moved most of mine to the darker shade cloth cuz darn electric company came through and all the lines cut all the trees back to almost nothing and now all my plants were getting way to much sun. I argued for two days with them not to cut limbs below power lines. No need too and when my back was turned they snuck in with a small truck and clipped away. grr.

Good luck with your experiments and your peppers.
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