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Old May 21, 2017   #11
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You have to really inspect a plant closely to find stink bugs on them especially the green ones. They are nearly invisible since they blend in so well. I find that handling the plant while looking closely is the best way. The stink bugs will move around a stem or under a leaf when they feel threatened and are a lot like trying to spot squirrels when they feel threatened. I have found all of the ones I have killed while handling the plants. The leaf footed bugs were much easier to spot since in the juvenile stage they tend to cluster together and move together and being bright orange doesn't hurt seeing them.

I ordered a fifty pound bag of food grade DE online a few years ago and have used quite a bit of it. I have dusted it in all the corners and under things in the house, garage, dog shed, shed and on plants. I find it is very good at killing roaches and other insects that crawl through it and it helps kill fleas in the dog house. We had an invasion of carpenter ants two years ago during a real rainy spell and it was very effective at getting rid of them in no time. I just dusted it heavily into the crack they were entering the house from and all along their trails and in no time they were gone and haven't come back. It worked far faster than poisons I have used in the past for them.

I don't remember where I got my Permethrin but I got a 10% strength bottle and it has lasted for years. Just make sure that it doesn't have any other chemicals in it other than inert ingredients. There are some mixes of Permethrin that have some other chemicals to make it longer lasting and more deadly that you don't want to use in your garden. The varieties that are usually okay for the garden are also recommended for dipping pets for fleas, and treating other animals. If it is a version for termites or carpenter ants it is probably the kind you don't want to use.

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