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Old May 22, 2017   #5
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As probably the biggest proponent of using the diluted bleach spray and someone who uses it regularly each tomato season I still use Daconil and alternate with a copper fungicide as preventives. No matter how well I keep up my fungicide spraying I still always have to resort to the bleach spray when something gets through. I have only rarely had to deal with a bad Septoria out break and it may be due to the alternating fungicides along with the bleach spray when needed.

Down here on the Gulf Coast where the humidity and heat are stifling the disease pressure is very intense and unrelenting once the season gets going. My best gardening buddy uses the bleach spray exclusively to keep the diseases away and is pretty successful with it. Even though it took me two years to convince him to try it, once he did he really liked the simplicity of using it and its effectiveness. I use a slightly milder version of the diluted bleach spray as a preventive on squash plants because using it regularly on them seems to keep those pesky mildew problems from cropping up.

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