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Old May 23, 2017   #15
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Los Gatos, CA
Posts: 70

Thanks Ray! Yep, the copper works great. I need to replace some sections of it each year as the adhesive isn't the greatest, but much better than resorting to any sort of bait/poison, since my dog is too nosy for her own good!

I've got three Early Girl plants, but I think I'm about 3-4 weeks behind you. Just starting to set the first fruit.


This is my first year growing cukes, and I'm amazed at how fast and lush they are growing. This is just a little more than 3 weeks of growth.


My next project is to rig up a rudimentary watering system to keep these watered when I go on vacation in July. I don't think I need to go all the way to the set up you describe in the Earthtainer instructions, but I'll probably just rig some hoses on a timer, and deal with some temporary water waste for the time that I'm gone.

I know your area well...I've got some good friends that live by Jack Fisher Park. I'm out on the East side of LG, near Leigh and Blossom Hill.
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