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Old July 2, 2007   #37
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Let me try this again! Everytime I get my response typed my internet goes out ;O

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These are all very good ideas! I am thinking only of something like a hose in the swamp connected to a pump to fill barrells or buckets at this time. But a shallow well might not be a bad idea either when money permits it! The only thing with the shallow well beside the swamp is that at any given time beside the swamp moves! When it rains good and hard the bottom of my yard is bog and the creek on the back left is deeper than the one on the right and flows much faster.

May as well pipe it to the back of the house if I dig a well though


Since it has not rained really hard in so long it would probably be a good idea for me to get some long pants and rubber boots on and crank up the weed eater to clear a path to the closest edge of the swamp. I know its still there because I can see part of it from my deck.

I have been told the creek is spring fed but not sure that the bubbles along every so many feet are spring or just where water is ****ed up and flowing faster on other side. Been clearing an area to the creek so I can get down to a bubbly area with a shovel and find out!
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