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Old June 14, 2017   #22
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Location: Upstate SC
Posts: 23

Thanks for the feedback. I am waiting for further signs of viral infection to occur. So far there is no distinct yellowing or wilting. I've seen no insects beyond caterpillars and leafhoppers, and yes, the peppers are doing well. There are also beans and eggplant in another bed with the same soil and compost doing well. So likely not ph or hebicide I would think. We did have several days of downpours last week (and are expecting several more later this week), and the odd growth began soon after that, so possibly they were waterlogged, but I've read that physiological leaf roll usually occurs on the bottom, older leaves.

Regarding the stunted, pale growth- one thing I hadn't thought of, is that for reasons beyond my control, the plants got quite overgrown in their solo cups before planting. They were at least 18 inches tall and were starting to get stressed. I removed most of the lower leaves and trenched them, but I'm wondering if the stress of being so root bound was just too much for them and they never recovered.

(And yes, I'm not too familiar with photo editing. I'm going to have to figure that out!)
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