Thread: Fusarium Wilt
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Old June 21, 2017   #129
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Carolyn, I did read the link and several others on the methyl bromide.

Separate - The container idea is back on the table for me so-to-speak. I'm formulating an idea of growing in containers on a platform. That would stop splash-up from happening. I could frame and use OCB or Plywood to create the platform on our raised beds. Then use containers with store bought pro mix or container mix etc.. It's a thought in progress.

I was reading a Texas A&M site about RKN the other day. It said there are 4 crops that can grow in RKN infested soil.

Onions - which I agree with from personal experience.
Garlic - same as above.
Tomatoes with N in their description - I'm not sure I agree with that, but will try it.
Corn - It's in every large field near me, and it grows well. But, we don't eat much corn.

Even though I have read so many .edu and .gov sites about Fusarium, I'm still not sure if it can become air-borne?

There's also the thought of what I think is going overboard. I could graft onto FFF,N rootstock and grow them in the store bought mix in containers on platforms...

After three straight years of disappointing results - I'm questioning if I even like tomatoes anymore? Then today, I picked a Japanese Pink Cherry tomato - the taste was unbelievable. It was sweet like pie/cake. Our kitchen bar is covered with Porter tomatoes which we love. I had to pull the plants because both Fusarium and RKN got them.

It sounds depressing, and in a way it is, but gardening is but one thing in life. There are tomatoes growing out in the main garden. Next year, the main garden will be home to chickens. All of my family is excited about this. It is something new to us. We love pets - ones that both eat grasshoppers and lay eggs that taste better than supermarket eggs sounds good to me.

Tomatoes will be grown in the raised beds or what I described above.
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