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Old August 15, 2017   #87
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Some comments.

Of course I was glad to see that Rita was originally from Lebanon, and I thought she might like to know some others from Lebanon,which is why I gave her my em addy.

How many times here have we seen someone say they live only an hour away from someone else,let's get together.Or someone say I used to live there,is the restaurant on 4th and 16th street still going.

So Rita, that's why I gave you my em address and what did I say?I said I was sure that Darin would send you some seeds for the heart one,or words to that effect as you can see by going back and rereading what I said..

As for what you see with Tania's link, that's not what it orginally was.

Since it was Dutch who opted to growout what Darin sent seeds to me and marsha,he said possibly a heart,and yes,it turned out to be just that. But there were some claims made in the original Tania one that weren 't correct ,so Dutch,who had sent about 400 seeds to Darin who turned around and made a seed offer never saying that they were Dutch's . Dutch asked Tania's permission to make some changes and she said yes,but there is still one item there that is not correct.

OK Marsha,you sent just one of three contentious threads about this whole issue, should I now link to the other two which are still in my faves? I don't think Rita deserves all of this,IMO.

And since I just met Rita obviously I did not send her any seeds of anything and I say this since this possibility was alluded to above,without naming names..

Now some of you I hope remember IMP,Suzy, who lives in TX.She was the one where there was a very long thread here when her DH ROB developed cancer, she had to quit her job to drive him back and forth to the hospital for cancer treatments,he continued to go downhill,I hope you remember that.

She left get groceries,came home,went up the stairs to check on Rob,he looked at her said he loved her and shot himself in the head.

George in CO offered to take money donations to help her out.

What she wrote to me yesterday, was directed at Tville and all the arguing and fighting and back stabbing that goes on here now, and I agree with her in that regard. And it hasn't always been that way, speaking as one who was here back on day one when TV opened in jan of 2006 and already found herself as a global Mod.

And I agree with her and plan to send it to just a few here who ought to know about it,that is M and the Global Mods.

Carolyn, who used to enjoy coming here every day,actually several times a day,but not anymore since she never knows what really bad stuff she'll find and have to deal with. It shouldn't be this way, it wasn't for many years after TV opened, but it is now, sadly. Is there a good reason why we can't just respect what someone says even if we don't agree with what was said without fighting and all of that? I think there is but it means everyone just getting along with others?Is that possible?
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