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Old August 15, 2017   #90
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Is there a good reason why we can't just respect what someone says even if we don't agree with what was said without fighting and all of that? I think there is but it means everyone just getting along with others?Is that possible?
It's hard to respect what someone says when they outright fabricate and twist facts to ruin an innocent persons reputation.

As for what you see with Tania's link, that's not what it orginally was.

Since it was Dutch who opted to growout what Darin sent seeds to me and marsha,he said possibly a heart,and yes,it turned out to be just that. But there were some claims made in the original Tania one that weren 't correct ,so Dutch,who had sent about 400 seeds to Darin who turned around and made a seed offer never saying that they were Dutch's . Dutch asked Tania's permission to make some changes and she said yes,but there is still one item there that is not correct.
I already addressed these very incorrect facts in my reply to you here - and was hoping we could keep all this kind of argument in just one place.

It's one thing to not agree on the name a tomato should be called. It's another thing to continue to say untrue things that hurt the reputation of an outstanding contributing member of this community.

I ask you again, specifically, list what untrue information was given to Tania? And Darin has many, many times told everyone he mailed seeds to that they came from Dutch.

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