Thread: Fall Cole Crops
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Old August 16, 2017   #12
b54red's Avatar
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I have started Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and rutabagas in cells in the greenhouse. I got spotty to good sprouting because even with a small air conditioner and shade cloth over the top it is still hot inside from 10 to 4. No chance of me starting anything outside for a while. I will start some lettuce, spinach and repeats of the above crops in a week or so. Last year fall never got here until nearly the end of November which was really unusual; but maybe the drought had something to do with it staying so hot and so dry for so long. This year drought is no problem at all so maybe it will cool down some in late September or early October which is more normal. I will wait for cooler nights before planting carrots, mustard and setting out my seedlings. I would rather be a bit late and use hoops than have plants demolished by pests or going to seed very early.

I am going to try growing some Cilantro this fall and winter. I would love to grow it during the summer when I could really use it but it goes to seed before it gets started; but we hope to can a bit of salsa and just add the Cilantro when we open it. It tastes much better that way.

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