Thread: bleach spray
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Old August 18, 2017   #250
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Originally Posted by HoustonHeat View Post
Bill keep us posted on whitefly success. The mix helped but 20% of the flies are still on underside of leaves. I will spray again this weekend.

I use TTF also but my lower stems are gone from the mite damage. My fall plants look strong at 2 ft tall but think some mildew is my biggest concern for those.

Fall plants especially black varieties will usually have more problems with gray mold than any other time of the year. Keep a copper fungicide on them and you might not have to use the bleach treatment too often. Copper really does help prevent gray mold and mildews. It will also control a very mild outbreak. If you do need to use the diluted bleach spray please use it as early as possible in a disease outbreak because waiting too long is a recipe for a semi-defoliated plant. I have been having a lot of trouble on my pepper plants with speck and spot diseases and the fungicides have not slowed them down much. I finally used the diluted bleach spray and now have a lot of leaves that will need to be removed because I waited til the diseases got much too widespread on the plants. Bell peppers are more sensitive to the diluted bleach spray so I used it at a slightly lower strength than I would for tomatoes. I just wish I had used it a month ago because it really seems to have gotten to the worst infected leaves and I think if I had done it sooner I would have reduced the damage the diseases have done to my peppers. I followed up last night with the Permethrin, DE, Dawn and copper spray to try to control the whiteflies and hopefully protect the plants from further disease. I also sprayed it on all my tomatoes as I am still seeing some scattered mite activity on some of them and I don't want that problem to grow.

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