Thread: Pole beans
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Old August 24, 2017   #37
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Originally Posted by efisakov View Post
I did not want to start a new thread and was unable to find type of beans I am looking for even with the google search.
Please advise.
I am growing beans for the first time. We would like to add them to a salad raw. So, string beans would be preferable. I am growing tendergreen bush improved, taste and production is fine. My DH does not like it for a reason that its pods does not have smooth skin.
Please help. I need few names of the bush and pole beans that have smooth pods.
Thank you.

"Greasy" beans have smooth skins. You can either do a search for different varieties, and hope to find them in stock.

Or... I host a bean swap in the fall, and you can look for a posted list of everything that participants send in.

This thread is also for PhilaGardener, as a reminder that sending in a package in early January is kind of late.
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