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Old September 21, 2017   #1
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Location: Danbury, CT
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Default Onions: Wise gardeners, tell me, how do you store yours?

So I finally have a decent harvest of onions this year, about 30 lbs left after we've eaten some and given some (not many) away. They are Redwing and Copra. I'm at a loss as to how to store them. Last year and the year before, I had tiny onions and just threw them in a single layer into a shallow cardboard box on a shelf in my basement and they didn't last long at all and sprouted. Well, I think it's just too warm in my basement, about 62 degrees pretty much year round. I guess the furnace being down there heats it up.

I have an unheated garage, but it would probably be too cold and freeze them once it's freezing outside. Plus, my husband has all his lawn equipment in there and it stinks of gas. I don't want my food to absorb that. What to do? I want to use my onions! I know I will if I can just get them to last!

Please, please, please tell me the surefire way to store them. Thanks!


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