Thread: Black Mold
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Old October 4, 2017   #9
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Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
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Thank you Salt for posting this!

I live in an apartment that has a black mold infestation and have had little luck motivating my landlord to address it. I get mold growing on my windows where moisture condenses. I have mold that grows in the bathroom. It grows on our walls and in the carpets. I have even had it growing on my furniture.

I know that this started when our roof was leaking. Rather that fixing it promptly, our landlord put 14 buckets up in the attic. He re-roofed after I had water coming down my ceiling fan and mold growing out of the electric sockets. After the roofers removed the shingles you could see where the wood had totally rotted away in a 10'x10' area. When he re-roofed, he had the great idea of covering over all of the vents. He also went up there and sprayed bleach around. Now there is no air circulating up in the attic. The moisture rises, condenses on the cold roof and caused a mold explosion in the building. I have told him numerous times that it is against the building codes not to have vents in the attic. He tells me that they are there, just under the shingles.

I just do not know what to do to motivate him to address this issue.

Any ideas?
~ Patti ~
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