Thread: Canning Season.
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Old October 10, 2017   #171
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Originally Posted by clkeiper View Post
and they have a string you have to pull off as you clean them. one on each side of the pod. More work. Some people like them knobby and some like them flat. I never know what to pick so the bags get some of each in them.

Ever hear of leather britches? they are the dried bean pods of 1/2 runners. strung on a thread and hung to air dry. then during the winter the cook would soak them for 12=24 hours drain and rinse them then cover them with water again along with a ham hock or cured ham of some sort. very poor family fare. I have a string of them I will post a picture later after my phone is charged and I also have a couple jars of canned finished product that I am not sure I will ever open and eat. I have been in vain trying to pawn it off on one of my customers. I haven't had a taker yet. Maybe I should just put it out on the shelf for "free" and hope someone will appreciate the work that actually went into the jar. A friend of mine (he is about 80) grew these and strung them for me. we have talked about leather britches for years. so he kindly and as a bit of a joke did some last fall for us to try.
Here are the dried beans. They have faded to brown but IMG_20171010_124733.jpgthey were dried green when I got them
carolyn k
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