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Old October 22, 2017   #172
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Back in da U.P.
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we have a colander that my wife purchased from some garage sale a few years ago. this isn't your ordinary drain your pasta in the sink colander, oh no. this sucker is big, won't even fit in the sink. i would guess it would hold 5 gallons or so if it didn't have holes. i don't know why my wife bought it, and it sat downstairs unused.
i now have a good use for it. it works great for separating seeds from chaff. last year when i harvested 3lbs of collard green seeds, most of which i still have by the way, after stuffing the seed stalks in empty chicken feed bags and stomping on them, i poured everything into the colander with a bag underneath it. the seeds went out the holes, and the chaff stayed inside. it worked out well.

today i used the colander to clean seeds from way over ripe squash. i sprayed the mess with a vigorous stream of water. i picked out big chunks that wouldn't fit through the holes along with the stringy stuff, and kept blasting until i had a clean batch of seeds.
again, it worked well.

i am still wondering what to do with the ringer washer my wife picked up a few years ago.

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