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Old November 20, 2017   #2
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
Posts: 3,286

I grow plants for a couple of nurseries in my area and charge them 50 cents per plant; they take 50 to 75 plants per year. That's not really very many but they are not able to get plants that I grow so it is a specialty order. The nurseries both charge $1 per plant and sell out. As the popularity increases the orders have also increased.

I repot into 2"X2"X3" single plastic pots and use plain white plastic labels purchased on e-bay and write the variety name on the label with a sharpie marker. Also I provide a couple of printed description sheets that have been laminated.

The nurseries like the plants to be in the 8" to 10" range ready by mid to late April for the early birds in the area (they usually freeze the first ones and then repurchase to plant at the regular May date). I don't know about bigger pots and plants.

I have not really done a cost accounting to see whether it makes much money but since the extra plants are growing along with my own 300, a little extra work and time is insignificant and I like the cash to supplement my costs. If it gets to be bigger I will do the math.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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