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Old January 2, 2018   #23
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It may be different in the south, but not all my peppers died back when I overwintered here. Some had green peppers on them that slowly ripened during the winter - that was Jimmy Nardello it was awesome to have a ripe pepper every week or two. Others didn't make any flowers or peppers until we passed the ten hours of daylight mark. But that was before the pests had caught on to the idea of pepper chow.

Aphids, thrips, whiteflies and/or fungus gnats are so rotten pests for indoor peppers. But if not for the pests, peppers actually seem to love our indoor climate. With the thermostat set at 68 F, it's usually a bit colder near a window and can get a lot hotter in sunshine - but not enough to affect fruit set. The moderate temperature is ideal for them, and they don't mind at all the ambient dryness of a furnace heated house. I've had lovely spring crops of peppers from February starts. The big challenge here is when it warms up enough for pests to be active and get in..
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