Thread: Weather
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Old January 4, 2018   #1623
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Originally Posted by Cole_Robbie View Post
My daily workout has been breaking a hole in the ice on the pond for the cows to drink. It is thick enough for them to walk on, but the younger ones are scared of it because they keep slipping. The oldest cow was the first one to drink out of the hole in the ice. She doesn't slip on the ice either. I can tell she's done this before.
Cole, we were writing at the same time.

On a much smaller scale, we have a large metal bucket that we use for animal water. It's large enough to wash clothes in easily. It was frozen solid from three days of constant freezing temperatures down to around 10 degrees F at times.

I have written this here before, but in 1983, I was 18 and we had our coldest winter ever. It stayed below freezing for over 200 hours. I took an axe and cut blocks of ice on our stock pond. I built a wall out of them on the middle of the stock tank. I did that for the fun of it, and I wish had that energy again.

If I had cattle to water like you have - I wouldn't hesitate to do it now.
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