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Old July 27, 2007   #11
gflynn's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Posts: 437

So what about Itinerary? Last year it didn't really seem like we needed one. Things just kind of moved along at their on pace however this is sort of what we did last year:

9:30-10:30 Setup (I'll meet you there)

10:30-11:30 Wait for people to show up and instruct them on how to enter their tomato in the tasting. This means put a name on a plate and place it on the table in alphabetical order (or not in that order ;-). Show folks where the name tags are so they can put them on.

11:00 – 12:00 Start grills and Cecilia gives an inspiring introduction.

11:00 – 1:30 Taste testing would already have begun and would continue indefinitely :-)

1:30 – 2:00 tabulate tasting results and begin recipe taste testing and lunch.

1:30 – 2:00 Contests? Last year we skipped this but we did have best tomato. I could get my kids to make prizes. They would like that!

1:00 – 2:30 Seed swap

1:00 – 3:30 Demos

This time let me help you with the tablulating! I didn't realize you were doing it all until I saw the pictures. This time it will be easier with your new scorecards anyway :-)

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