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Old January 18, 2018   #1
Black Krim
Join Date: Dec 2016
Location: New England
Posts: 661
Default Victory Garden Dream

I have been struggling with how to help my community for more than 5 years learn how to grow vegies. Many roadblocks along the way, but the idea still persists.

I am carrying over my thoughts from another thread:

had a "doh" moment just a few years ago as I realized the old gardening show hosted by Crockett initially was called The Victory Garden for a reason totally different than my imagination created. My thought was that digging in the garden with mom and having extra food was a victory. haha The real reason for the name was when we all chipped in to win that world war.

Today I see we have another war to win--food poverty. I think about the many people in my community with low paying work or no work. We have 2 food pantries. One without fresh produce and another limited to those they deem fit the rules. When I had extra produce I brought it to the former, and when my son grew his Eagle project produce it also was for the former. Anyone could help themselves--- and boy did folks flock when he walked in carriing boxes of produce.

I dream of everyone having a tomato plant( to start), and I have no idea how to help everyone get gardening. The high school has a garden but it all goes to the latter pantry. The lower grammer school is in a low income zone but the play ground experiences vandalism--dont see a garden thriving there YET. I see lots of poverty that lives under the radar for the majority of the local residents.

First step..Find the right variety.....

What do you think is an easy variety for a first time gardener?? My thoughts is that it needs to be a red or pink. A short indeterminate. I am open to all ideas.
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