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Old January 18, 2018   #4
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As you read all the various threads, you see how much work and money and effort people put into caging and staking large indeterminate tomato plants. My vote would be for a red or pink dwarf that can be easily staked and often puts out just as many tomatoes, albeit closer together. I don't know how far north in New England you are, but where I am we don't get those 16 foot tall plants our southern neighbors sometimes show off anyway. The dwarfs can be grown in container easily, as well, for those who don't have "gardens".

Now, if you are considering a cherry, I grew out Rev Michael Keyes (seeds from Marsha, thanks again) which is a multiflora red grape shaped tomato, and that baby put out more fruit than we could keep up with. I don't think even one of them cracked, either. I did grow it in a container, but it did require a lot of support for those heavy branches. Very good robust flavor, as well.
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