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Old February 19, 2018   #4
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Does that seedling in the middle have a piece of leaf lying on the ground?

If so, I would suspect a mouse more than a caterpillar. Just because of my experience with rabbits, they cut more than they eat a lot of times. Whereas with a caterpillar or slug you'll see holes and edges chewed off but not usually pieces of leaf on the ground.

Slugs, you can tell because they leave a slime trail as well.
Caterpillars, some brown or green poop on the leaf.

Also seems unusual to me that a caterpillar would go marauding from one seedling to another without finishing them off first. It seems more like an animal to me, but I could be wrong - I'm sure you folks have types of caterpillar that I've never seen so maybe they behave different.
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