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Old March 8, 2006   #17
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It was great...except it wasn't Patio Orange. I only grew 2 out and one froze and the one I had left was in a container. It was stocky and produced well, except the fruit was sort of like small, scalloped beefsteaks. The fruit ripened red and was good and a little sweet. It was slower maturing than it should have been. I notified Baker Creek to see if they had any other reports of wrong variety and they hadn't. They offered to replace it, but I wasn't sure it wasn't my mistake so I declined. I am growing it again to see what I get, plus the plant last year was wotrh replicating. It was slow to germinate and a container type ,so I am not sure what was going on. None of my other varieties last year matched it either...
Not much help I am afraid.
Here's hoping the real Patio Orange shows this year.

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