Thread: Cloning?
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Old April 4, 2018   #3
Join Date: Feb 2006
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not taboo at all, and a good way to propagate a variety when starting with just a few seeds. a few winters ago, when i had a challenging tomato year, i had one alston everlasting cherry tomato plant left, no ripe tomatoes, mice got the green ones. i took some cuttings, brought them indoors, rooted them, and kept them alive through out our 6 month winter. i had to continue making new cuttings to keep size of the plant down; its a cherry tomato remember. summer came, and third generation cuttings were planted outside, and alston everlasting continues on to this day.

normally i don't take cuttings due to my short growing season. they just wouldn't produce much ripe fruit. come end of season, and i find myself with no ripe tomatoes, i would take cuttings again to winter over. i am growing a few varieties from shawn/carolyns seed offer. with no back up seeds, those would be the plants i would take cuttings from.

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