Thread: Salsa/Sauces
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Old August 9, 2007   #33
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Here's mine:

Fill 8 quart pot with ripe tomatoes, peeled and cored, one inch+ from the top
Simmer at least one hour, stirring every ten minutes or so
If you don't like it a little chunky, give it a quick mixing with a hand mixer to your liking
Add fresh ground pepper
kosher salt

Things that I 'fish out' later from my herb garden:
two stalks fresh basil
two onions, halved
two bell peppers, quartered
one head (about) garlic
two hungarian hot peppers (opional) whole with tops cut off

Simmer at least one hour

'Fish' all herb stalks, onion, and peppers out

add paste to thicken if needed

Can in jars, boil 15 - 20 min

If pot is pretty full, you may get 6 quarts

I made 40+ quarts so far for family and friends that way.

Gotta give credit where credit is due, It's Mom's !!

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