Thread: My Garden 2018
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Old April 25, 2018   #54
bad.kelpie's Avatar
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Washington State
Posts: 240

Planted! Everything is planted except for the romas, cause I'm not quite sure where they are going . I was still thinking I'd get a second community garden plot when I got them, now, there's no room. I'll find room. 16 plants in the back yard, 5 at the Comminity Garden (6 if I can get a Rebel Alliance to sprout).

Funny community garden story. 2016, I planted April 19th, and people said "Isn't it too early?" (ok, we're in a rural area in Central WA state, we get our news from Spokane which is pretty consistently 10 degrees cooler than we are, so the newscasters/garden experts say to plant around mother's day, so it's ingrained around here to plant around then. I've been planting mid April for 10 years, it works), I said nope, they didn't believe me. I had big plants with tomatoes before the others were in the ground. 2017, planted April 16. "isn't it too early? "nope". 2018, I planted April 21/22, everyone else planted April 23rd. One person planted 4 celebrity tomato plants right in one spot, no more than 2 inches apart, in a square. I don't know what they're doing, maybe they have a plan.
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