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Old April 26, 2018   #5
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: NC
Posts: 511

Originally Posted by GoDawgs View Post
Have you thought about growing some pole beans along with your bush beans? They usually take longer to make so when that first round of bushies is done you'll have the pole beans coming on. Just a thought.

As you and I both sadly know, our heat will kill that bean pollen and I don't know if shade will help with ambient temp and thus successive summer crops that unless you have some good ventilation. That's where swamp coolers help in green houses.
I have grown pole's in the past, specifically "white half runners" and "Ky Wonder", I have 2 reasons not to grow these now days.

1. I hate trellising, and then the clean up of said trellis.

2. Bush plants afford me the opportunity to set up either shade cloth OR some kind of protective barrier such as deer netting.

Last Sunday we set up trellis for 60ft worth of Sugar Snap Peas. Its just a bother in my opinon to fool with. Then the clean up. On the other hand, bush plants you can just rip out, amend the soil, replant, and have a cool refreshing drink!

Next the issue of the wildlife that likes to come along. For the most part they wont venture into either GH. But the raised beds out in the open are like a buffet. I can set up some hoops, throw some kind of barrier over it, and im done. I had thought about setting up an electric fence, but decided that there should be something simpler.

Last year I shot 2 groundhogs. About 2 weeks ago I spotted their cousin. Seems he has moved in. Grrrr...
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