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Old April 28, 2018   #104
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I did get to work on the new garden today. There's more to getting the garden set up than I realized or remembered. With the RKN and Fusarium With race 3 over the past two years - it has taken a lot for me to really get into thinking of starting everything new. Container gardening just made more sense than anything else to me. Just "really" getting started this year has not been easy. Everything has been last minute.

I did plant out in our raised beds knowing that have both RKN and Fusarium, but that is to experiment with some super hybrids (VFFFNTA...etc...) -vs- OPs. As of today, the OPs are looking better. The super hybrids have a lot of blooms though.

With the containers, I did get that last tomato plant planted and the 5 buckets of okra started. I realized that 4 more buckets of okra would fit in that row. Okra grows well planted 18" apart. I'm running out of extra money though. Right now, the buckets are centered 42" inches apart.

I'm growing in containers, but using what I know about growing in ground in a very nice garden. I have it in my mind that the ways of gardening are different, but in ways - they are the same.

Tomorrow, I need to make the stakes to hold the containers in place. I'm hoping to get them all in place - today and tomorrow has low wind speeds. The stakes are for high winds that will happen even without thunderstorms. The winds are strong enough here to uproot plants in April through July. The high humidity is about to hit too, but that's when the plants really start to grow.
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