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Old August 12, 2007   #24
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When I posted on GW I do remember Carolyn and someone else mentioning GA-3 could possibly be harmful to the seed it's used on.


Jeff, no it's not harmful to the tomato seeds but what you end up getting are hormone induced tall lanky stupid looking seedlings.

That's why I and others tried varying the concentration of GA with something like potassium nitrate, also known to sometimes help wake up old seed.

But adding the Knitrate made no difference and I can't suggest using GA on tomato seed b'c it did no
better than a good water soak in waking up old seeds and when the seeds were treated, those that did appear were lanky.

having tried a lot of stuff I still think that a good o'n soak with a pinch of blue stuff works best.

And it makes a difference if you have seeds with NO germination rather than trying to up the germination rate. If the latter it's just easier to double/triple sow seeds IMO.
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