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Old May 9, 2018   #315
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Originally Posted by JosephineRose View Post
Hello all. In potting up my seedlings two weeks ago I discovered a RL plant amongst my Daniel Bursons. Of the six seeds I sowed, five came up: four PL, one RL.

My seed source was Heritage Seed Market, which notes that RLs of the plant should not be grown out... which tells me this has happened before with their seed stock. Not that I'm complaining, I kind of like it when this happens. It's a fun surprise!

Anyway, I read this thread again, and some of the posts indicate this has happened on occasion with DB.

Heritage Seed notes on their description that they have grown out an RL version along side the true PL plant and found the taste to be the same.

Since I cannot resist it, I think I am going to grow out my "Not Daniel Burson RL" and see what happens. Even if it is a stray seed in the pack, my experience with these gifts from the gardening Gods is the mystery plant is usually delightful.
For all of you interested in the variety Daniel Burson,please read this link where Bill Jeffers discusses it and how it was found ,it was the result of an accidental Cross pollination between Daniels and Indian Stripe PL

Please don't call it Not Daniel Burson RL and why, well we've already got the variety...Not Purple Strawberry.Besides that,I'm one who tries to never send out seeds that don't conform to the original description.It does happen though. I put up a thread here recently, asking folks to compare their 2017 SSE Yearbook with the 2018 one. Many SSE members posted and were very upset since there was no chain of info saying, as it used to say for each variety,now I'm making this up;

Originally described by Dot Gran in 1996, seeds to Twinkle in 1998, seeds listed by Robert in 2000, seeds to Yolanda in 2002, now listed as below, etc,seeds a. And why is that important? Since down thru that chain someone might list it as X,when it should be Y ,to wit, that's how wrong varieties get passed around.

To my right here by the computer I have several large packs of Daniel Burson,labeled mix, 2013 , Sent to me by Bill Jeffers, which are still germinating very well, and yes, a few packs of Not Purple Strawberry as well, in between some Sgt Pepper Seeds and Reinhard's Green Heart seeds.

Carolyn, who also notes that none of the above are up for adoption.
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