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Old May 17, 2018   #3246
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Location: Central Florida
Posts: 620

Originally Posted by Fiishergurl View Post
Hi Larry,

I did get the seeds from Barb, but mine grew ping pong ball sized tomatoes. They were delicious but very long season. They also were the only plants that produced well in a season when I had a whitefly infestation so I had wondered if they were somehow whitefly resistant.

The only reason I didn't grow them again was the long date to maturity. Well that and there were just so many other varieties that I wanted to try.... lol.

Ginny, good to hear from you. What I am growing now doesn't seem to be late. It's as early as almost anything I'm growing with maybe the exception of 4th of July. Do you know if you shared seeds with me that were one's which Barb shared with you or were they from ones that you saved seeds from? How this thing got bigger, earlier and nematode resistant, while still maintaining the look and shape of a Brandywine Black is a mistory or maybe the variety that Barb aquired wasn't stable and I happened on something produced by that instability. May it at some juncture been pollinated by one of the large tomato hybrids I have grown. This season the best performing tomatoes were this variety along with Tomande F1 and Bush Early Girl F1. But if I could only grow one variety this variety in question would be the one that I would grow. Medium sized tomatoes, favored black appearance, very productive, tastes good and resistant like a many hybrids and grows well in our Florida heat. Not much to dislike.
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