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Old June 3, 2018   #90
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Originally Posted by KarenO View Post
And now back to our regular scheduled programming after that commercial for
Victory Seeds
Here’s the link, if you want it:
Always a good idea to support local business in your state to be sure.
Karen, the problem with your link to Mike's site is that it's for a catalog that doesn't exist or does so rarely, as Mike explains at his site.

Oregon,here is a direct link to Mike's 2008 website.

Karen,it was NOT a commercial at all. Haven't you ever directed someone to a seed site where you knew they sold seeds for certain varieties that someone wanted that you didn't have? I know I have and still do so. Or you as a new SSE member requested seeds from the listings of other listed SSE members?

My choice but two years ago I think it was I asked to have ALL of my Annual Yearbook listings deleted, and I still get all of the SSE Annuals but have had no time to read the sections I would normally read since I've been a Lifetime member since about 1989.

But I have lots of SSE friends who keep me updated on new members how many of this and that and several of those persons are also part of the seed producer group for new varieties and someone else is doing the coordination of the seed producer group as well,with my help this year but I'm pretty darn sure that he will take over completely for next year.

And then I'll have more time to color in my coloring books read all the many hundreds of books I haven't yet read,yes, I am a true bookaholic
and a severe one at that, read all the magazines I sub to, watch the does in May when they come down to the back yard to show off their new fawns and they continue to do so almost all year round., try to ID all the birds as they fly in to get the suet cakes out there as well as the black oil seed.

Yes, a time to do what I want to do,not what I should be doing..

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