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Old June 4, 2018   #12
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Salt, I am not sure that you have woodchucks in TX. I think that people here view them similarly as Texans do armadillos. They dig holes all over the place. The ARE somewhat cute but can cause a lot of damage and really do not have any natural enemies other than dogs and cars so they seem to overpopulate. The adults are the size of a small dog or a large cat.

I have had them taking bites of my tomatoes in the summer when it is really hot and dry but usually they do not bother my garden too much and they stay out in the fields eating grass and weeds. The main reason that farmers hate them is that their holes are not highly visible in fields and farm equipment can break axles or animals such as cows and horses can break a leg by stepping into one.

The holes that they make are fairly flat and do not have a big pile of dirt beside it to make it more noticeable and they usually have several entrance and exit holes in one tunnel system.
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