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Old June 14, 2018   #14
PureHarvest's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Mid-Atlantic right on the line of Zone 7a and 7b
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We eat all of it.
Just kidding.
I am planning on sending it to a huge CSA in my area. They send out over 400 boxes per week. I'm calling them today.
There is also a broker 30 minutes away that I am calling too.
Last year I sold to about 5 produce stands, but only had a fraction of what I do this year.
I broke the cardinal rule of having a market before you grow a crop, but that is how I roll sometimes. I wanted to try garlic on a somewhat large scale to see if it was doable with my schedule etc, with the faith that if it worked I would find a way to move it all.
Consider too that I will keep 25% of what is there for planting stock this fall.
Shied away from online because of the website, payments, handling, shipping etc. I don't have the time.
Last year I sold by the pound and buyers could wrap their head around the price per pound or how to mark that up and sell by the pound. They always want to know how many bulbs per pound.
This year I will offer them by the each price. .65 for medium, .95 for large.
This works out to about $5.50/lb.

Last edited by PureHarvest; June 14, 2018 at 08:39 AM.
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