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Old June 15, 2018   #40
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In the dwarf department, I am comparing Dwarf NOAH’s Stripe vs Dwarf Metallica vs dwarf purple stripe from Dwarf Firebird Sweet line vs one from Beauty King (seeds from Craig). I threw in Fred’s Tie Dye for comparison, though the seeds were started much later.

Then I am growing out the original Coorong Pink (seeds from Tatiana’s) and comparing it to the antho version I got last year and the antho with stripes Craig got.

I am also comparing an F-3 Beauty line that gave me an orange tomato with gold stripes last year (working name Dwarf Orange Sunburst) with 2 sent me by Idahowoman, Dwarf Suz’s Beauty and another F-6 from the Beauty line. So far the 2 from Idahowoman are larger with a more open growth habit.

This is my first year growing Determinates. I am comparing them for production and length of growing season, which I am guessing is not all that different this far north. I also want to compare them to growing dwarfs. The 6 I am growing are Black Seaman, Cyril’s Choice, Danko, Djalo Santa, E M Champion, and Milano Plum.

I have tried to unseat Black Cherry as my husband’s favorite cherry tomato for some time now without success, because it is disease prone for me and the vines get so long and hard to support. My candidates to do that this year are Cinnamon Pear and Rebel Alliance (seeds from Marsha).

My goal this year was to get down to 80 varieties, but I actually only got it down to 103, so there needs to be more eliminations this year. Ultimately, everything is compared to everything else for flavor first and then production. It the plant is still standing and producing at the end of the season, it gets extra points, also.
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