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Old June 19, 2018   #19
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Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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We have a couple of patches of ribbon grass at the farm - they aren't invasive but maybe the beds where they were put for a reason, are not likely to spread anywhere. They are a nice producer of foliage for bouquets... rather nice, really!

I looked up Rose Campion and it is really pretty, and I have another plant similar to that foliage called Silver Speedwell - it is not a bit invasive here though. You could do a multicolor flower bank with either of these and snow in summer... Would be nice. It's hard to tell from a photo but the Snow in Summer has more of a spiky foliage just very narrow linear leaves and lots of them, while the silver speedwell and rose campion have more of a 'leaf shaped' leaf. (can you say that???)
I've grown several artemisias including absinthium, and the leaf is nothing like your picture . The absinthe or wormwood is very strongly scented if you rub a leaf between your fingers once you will never mistake it for another plant.
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