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Old July 3, 2018   #66
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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I found a turban at the supermarket the other day and I bought it to try. It was billed as "fresh garlic" at 4.99/lb, with conspicuous purple stripes and a hardneck stem.

I used it to make chinese food and it didn't add anything to the taste when cooked. Then I grated some up with a rasp into some sour cream and used as a dip for potato chips... quite a strong garlic taste but very different - sort of a low burn with no high notes - but then I got the aftertaste, and wow did it ever linger. It was not really pleasant to me although I love garlic. It was like the breathmint of garlics only not in a really nice way.
I had thought I might try growing some turban but I probably won't, as the taste wasn't great for me and I didn't enjoy the taste developing after I finished eating.

Today I went through my stash of 'getting old' garlic, and found a small bulb that was still very hard. Put the whole thing through a rasp, used half for salad dressing and half mixed with some evoo and rosemary to season cream cheese stuffed toutons. It was a Spanish Roja, and the flavor came through in those quick fried breads really well... a great tasting garlic. Even though they are not billed as long keepers, it seems an immature bulb can keep very well, and seems to be true of other garlics I have grown as well, that they keep better if harvested before full size.
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