Thread: Hornworm Horror
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Old July 15, 2018   #38
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Chicago
Posts: 70
Default They're back!!! HORNWORMS

I have 54 tomato plants in a community garden. I have had the same plot for five years, and all I grow are tomatoes because my friend and I can them. I know we should be rotating crops, but there is nothing else we want to grow and we love this particular plot's location. The hornworms for the last three years have been really bad. We got an early start looking for leaf damage, and would turn over the leaves containing little holes and sometimes would find a baby that didn't even have a horn yet or a very little one with a horn. Is it true that once they eat the lead or main stem, the plant will not grow anymore? We have used BT this year where we saw baby hornworm poop and couldn't find anything. Do you think that will help? I hope it doesn't discourage bees and other good insects from doing their thing.
Very Discouraged Hornworm Hunter
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